YAML Config File

There is no regular UI that allows you to configure your project using a browser. There will be a lot of configuration options. It is quite cumbersome to maintain a UI for all these options. Thus the project can be configured by pasting a valid YAML config into the Create a new project form in your projects section.

The latest schema version is 0.1.0. Alpha project status means that this schema can be changed without even updating the patch number. You can find the latest schema version file here.

Here is an example of a simple status project with a single endpoint to monitor:

version: 0.1.0
symbol: demo-mainnet
name: Mainnet Demo Project
    name: Ethereum Mainnet
    protocol: ethereum_v1
    chain_id: "1"
        - uri: https://mainnet-nethermind.blockscout.com
          latest_block_query_interval: 10

TIP: You can keep your config as a GitHub Gist for now. Later we will integrate a hook to make your gist update to trigger an Ikura project update.

Last updated